Wednesday 3 November 2010

Hello Internets!

Hi internets people! I am now 2 years old!

It was my birthday at the weekend and I am now coming down from my sugar high, and I tell you what, I see the world with a whole new set of eyes. I feel grown up. I can now count and am getting better at conversing with my idiot parents. They seem to relish talking to me and engaging me in picture books. Yes, I know its a shell. That is another shell. That is a cow. That is another cow... that is a mummy cow. And so on. I think my folks have an animal fetish. Her and Dad are constantly making animal noises at me and demanding I tell them what they are. Okay, maybe it isn't a fetish and maybe they are generally confused. After all we live in Boston and I haven't seen a cow up close since I lived in Europe.

So yes, I had a great birthday, I got loads of toys and clothes. I got to miss my nap and stay up late and feed my face with fistfuls of cake. Everyone had a great time and my folks were exhausted.

I am sorry I haven't updated much. My Mum won't let me use the laptop, and she won't buy me one of my own. I'm not even allowed a real phone, they gave me this plastic thing that has LITTLE TYKES written on the side of it. I KNOW IT ISN'T REAL PARENTS. How the heck am I supposed to keep up with my social calendar? Not at all on that pile of crap. But I don't want to seem ungrateful, so I like to humor them and pretend to call Nana on it. This kills two birds with one stone... makes the 'rents happy that I am using their crappy toys and also makes them think I am touching in with Nana, who I think misses me since we moved. I'm only allowed to watch Peppa Pig on the laptop and that is with parent supervision. Anyone would think it was a grown up movie! Adult supervision. Honestly. I don't even like Peppa Pig anymore, I saw a few episodes and soon got over it, but keep up the facade as I know it is my only chance to get near the effin' computer. Mayby my Mum will zone out and I could check my hotmail or facebook... but noooooooooooooooooo.

Speaking of laptops, I was thwarted in my tracks from an important scientific experience today when my Mum caught me pouring water on her laptop. I don't see what the big deal was though... it wasn't her actual laptop, just her work one! I was trying to be considerate... but now, I got told off.

I go to daycare now. It s alright I guess. Zhining who looks after me during the day is nice. She gets me. I get to do loads of playing, hang out with some other kids, coloring, you name it. She also gives me Chinese food every day for lunch. Not takeaway, although would be sweet... but actual Chinese food, because she is Chinese. Dumplings, rice, noodles. You name it. Sweet. Better than that crap my parents feed me. It isn't my fault they give me stuff on days I don't want to eat it... but now they gave up trying and I think I might actually turn into a fish stick at this rate. Take the hint parents. Sheesh. Where was I? Oh yeah, pretty sweet deal at Zhining's house! I'm the only girl and I can get away with whatever I want I think. And, I'm learning Chinese! For a grown up, Zhining is pretty cool and I am learning her language much quicker than my parents could learn mine. I figured it was the least I could do. Unfortunately I tried to pass on the knowledge to my parents and they can only grasp HELLO, GOODBYE and HEAD. Loosers.

Anyway, I have to go to bed, I was playing hooky today because I have a cough and a cold and I should technically be resting and not barking up green stuff when I try and I go to sleezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

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